Inspire. Educate. Empower

Welcome to Mission: Education!
Education is a top priority in this country. But for many students, especially those living in urban areas, barriers to success are now greater than they were fifty years ago. Increasingly, a number of K-12 students are facing problems at home, at school, and in their communities. And all too often, these problems keep them from becoming productive members of society.
Our Mission: Education for All
We believe that two critical components are missing from ongoing discussions around national education reform: families and communities. We also believe that schools can't fix these problems alone. In order to fully address the non-academic challenges facing many of our students today, we need to utilize a comprehensive approach -- one that involves parents, teachers, churches and other members of the community.
Bill and I have long worked on education reform issues, especially promoting educational options for families. In the mid to late 1990s, we worked with the late John Walton of Wal-Mart, former Governor Kenny Guinn of Nevada, and the late Milton Friedman. Reverend Owens, in particular, has worked with former Memphis City Schools(MCS) Superintendent, Dr. Carol Johnson. Dr. Johnson was the keynote speaker at theExcellence in EducationConference in Washington, D.C., a conference we organized and sponsored.
Ultimately, the goal of Mission: Education is to form strategic partnerships with pastors and churches of all denominations, children's service agencies, community organizations, and local education agencies to inspire, educate, and empower children and their families.
We hope you will join us in this endeavor!
Warm Regards,
Reverend William Owens & Dr. Deborah De Sousa Owens